Peninah is a young mother who lives in Kicukiro District, Gahanga Sector. She is a graduate of the #Women Empowerment program implemented by Faraja Rwanda in partnership with Cricket Builds Hope. Before training, I could not save money and it was difficult for me to start a business. After training, “I started to save and now I sell farm produce and my goal for this year is to start a boutique in Gahanga sector” says Peninah.
After completing the training, I am confident and believe I can achieve my goals which was not the case before training, I use skills from the training like goal setting, opportunity mapping, customer service, and record-keeping to effectively do my business. As of now, I am using 70,000 Rwandan Francs as capital. I plan to acquire a soft loan from my Voluntary Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) to increase my capital to 200,000 Rwandan Francs so I can be able to effectively serve my customer base. With Faraja Rwanda’s intensive coaching and mentorship programs, my business performance will improve.